Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cheating and Deception are Grave Sins

A MUSLIM society is based on purity of feeling, love, sincerity toward every Muslim, and fulfillment of promises to every member of society. Its members are endowed with piety, truthfulness, and faithfulness. Cheating and deception are alien characters in contrast to the noble character of a true Muslim. There is no room in it for swindlers, double-crossers, tricksters or traitors.

Islam views cheating and deception as heinous sins, a source of shame to the one guilty of committing them, both in this world and the next.

The Prophet (pbuh) did not merely denounce them by excluding them from the Muslim community in this world, he also announced that on the Day of Judgment every traitor would be raised carrying the banner announcing his betrayal. A caller will cry out from the vast arena of judgment, pointing to him, drawing attention to him:

“Every traitor will have a banner on the Day of Resurrection and it will be said: This is the betrayer of so-and-so.” -Saheeh Al-Bukhari

The shame of traitors – men and women – will be immense. Those who thought that their betrayal had been forgotten will find it right there, exposed for the whole world to see on banners raised high and held by their own hands!

Their shame will increase even more when they meet with the Prophet of Mercy on that Day. Their crime is of such enormity that it will deprive them of divine mercy and the Prophet’s intercession. The Prophet (pbuh) said:

“Allah said: There are three whom I will oppose on the Day of Resurrection: a man who gave his word and then did not keep it; a man who sold a free man into slavery and kept the money; and a man who hired someone, benefited from his labor, then did not pay his wages.” -Sahih Al-Bukhari

One should steer clear of all forms of deceit and deception present in today’s society. Cheating is common in examinations, business transactions, and even between spouses and loved ones. Placing a label on domestically-made products to make it seem that it is imported is a kind of fraud. Some people give wrong advice when their counsel is sought and thus deceive the person who believes he is getting good advice. An employee should do the job he is paid for without any deception or cheating.

Rulers rig the ballot to win elections and cheat the whole nation. Cheating between relations, giving a word of marriage and not living it up decieving the trust/promise of a man/woman, cheating spouses and having extra-marital affairs is widespread in modern society.

A Muslim should value himself too highly to be among those who cheat or deceive perchance that one might fall in the category of hypocrites about whom the Prophet (pbuh) said:

“There are four characteristics, whoever has all of them is a true hypocrite, and whoever has one of them has one of the qualities of a hypocrite until he gives it up: when he is given trust, he betrays; when he speaks, he lies; when he makes a promise, he breaks it; and when he disputes, he resorts to slander.” -Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim

Therefore, a Muslim who has true Islamic sensitivities avoids deceit, cheating, treachery, and lying no matter what benefits or profits such activities might bring him, because Islam considers those guilty of such deeds to be hypocrites.

May Allah Guide us all, For Alhamdulilah, He knows the Best!
JazakAllahu Khairahn

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